SF - Chat

Tool for communication with traders inside the platform

Widget Appearance

Widget location

To open Chat, click on the corresponding icon in the upper left corner of the platform's header.

Widget location

Tool functionality

Chats is a list of chats and channels Telegram, which are connected to the platform.

Channel list

The widget table has the following columns with data:

  • ID - Status. Chats are marked with a dialog icon, channels are marked with a mouthpiece.

  • NAME - name of the chat/channel.

  • DESCRIPTION - description of the chat/channel.

  • COUNT - number of chat participants/channel subscribers.

Chat table header

The selected chat or channel will be opened in a new window. The chat and channel window lies on top of the workspace and does not break its configuration.

Users in chat rooms are named by default according to the beginning and end of their wallet. You can change having in personal account.

User names

You can connect to the chat room by synchronizing your SpreadFighter and Telegram accounts in personal cabinet.

Last updated