SF - Chart pane

TradingView graphical shell for displaying quotes, indicators and SpreadFighter models

Widget location

To add the Chart pane tool to your workspace, click on the "Add Chart Widget" button in the platform header.

Widget functionality

Basic functionality: basic settings

Chart pane completely copies the functionality of TradingView, so we first recommend to familiarize with it on official website of the developers.

In the upper left corner there is a ticker entry window to go to the corresponding coin

All coins traded on Binance Futures, as well as synthetic tickers, are available.

To the right of the ticker search window there is a button to add a price chart of another asset on top of the one already open for comparison.

All coins traded on Binance Futures, as well as synthetic tickers, are available for comparison. Below the search bar are the characters that have already been added. Below the added list are the characters that have recently been added using this button for comparison.

The coin graph for comparison can be displayed on the same price scale with a switch to percentage calculation, on a new price scale, or on a new panel below/above the main workspace.

![![](../../.gitbook/assets/image (294).png)

Gray chart - BTC price


The charts being compared have the ability to be customizable. Users can choose:

  • display type - bars, candlesticks, empty candlesticks, histogram, line, area, area relative to the base line, high-low candlesticks. Unique customization options are available for each type listed, as well as color and transparency settings;

  • display/hide the price line from the scale to the actual point of the chart;

  • minimum tick step;

  • visibility on different timeframes.

Chart settings can be saved and later applied to the Chart pane by selecting the desired saved template from the drop-down list at the bottom left of the customization window.

To the right of the window for adding a price chart of another coin for comparison is the timeframe selection window. All basic timeframes are available TradingView.

To the right of the timeframe selection window is the menu for selecting the main chart display type. The following main chart display types are available: bars, candlesticks, empty candlesticks, histogram, line, area, area relative to the baseline, high-low candlesticks. Unique customization options are available for each type listed, as well as color and transparency settings.

![![](../../.gitbook/assets/image (225).png)

Main graph display type selection window


The menu with indicators is located to the right of the main chart display type selection window.

All basic technical analysis indicators are available, advanced indicators TradingView (market profiles/volume profiles etc.) and advanced SpreadFighter indicators. The user can use the search bar to quickly find the desired indicator.

The vast majority of all indicators also have customization options. In order to customize the indicator, you should click either on its chart or on the gear next to its name in the Status line.

Users have the ability to customize input parameters for calculation (optional), graphical display, and visibility on different timeframes.

The button for saving/applying a chart template is located to the right of the menu with indicators.

To the right of the Custom Patterns menu are the undo (CTRL + Z) and apply (CTRL + Y) buttons for the last action.

In the top right corner of the screen is a button to go to the Chart pane theme customization menu.

The user can customize the theme in four categories: Symbol (graphical display of the main chart), Status line (status area at the top left of the chart), Scale, Appearance (chart background).

![![](../../.gitbook/assets/image (181).png)

Chart pane theme customization menu


To the right of the button to go to the Chart pane theme customization menu is the full screen/window mode button. When you press it, the Chart pane will expand to the full screen, overlapping all other tools, or shrink to the widget size.

To the right of the full screen/window mode button is a button to create an express screenshot.

The user can:

  • Save Chart pane image to your device;

  • copy the Chart pane image to the clipboard;

  • copy the link to the page with the Chart pane image;

  • open the Chart pane page in a new tab;

  • publish the chart on Twitter.

Each price scale (verticals) has a customization option. To go to the advisory menu, right-click on the required price scale.

To customize the timeline (horizontal) you should also right-click on it. The user can select the time zone, display/hide trading session boundaries (similar settings can be made in the Chart pane theme settings menu.

Time zone settings and some customization options are also available via the corresponding buttons at the bottom right of the Chart pane.

In the lower left corner of the screen, the user can select the period for which he wants to view the history of quotes.

You can set the period yourself, not just select from those provided. To do this, click on the calendar button, which is located to the right of the preset periods.

Next, you need to set the date and time boundary values of the desired period.

All basic drawing objects are available in Chart pane TradingView.

If you have the drawing tools panel hidden, click on the blue arrow button at the bottom left of the widget.

In the drawing menu, the user can change the cursor appearance, draw various lines and geometric shapes in the chart area, make marks, measure distance and time, and delete all drawn objects and/or added indicators.

Like all tools SpreadFighter, Chart pane has the ability to synchronize with other tools marked with the same color. When you click on a ticker on any widget, the Chart pane will automatically switch to the corresponding ticker.

SpreadFighter Indicators

Chart pane has the ability to visualize some widgets directly on the chart. Visualization is realized by means of indicators.

To quickly find indicators from SpreadFighter you can use the keyword "by SpreadFighter"

The following subsections provide a description of the model for each of the indicators.

Last updated