Working area

The article describes the main elements of interaction with the platform

Layers, workspaces and presets

The platform gives the user the ability to create and save different workspace configurations. The Layout tool is used for this purpose. To create a new workspace, press the "+" symbol at the top left of the screen.

The newly created workspace will be called "NEW LAYOUT." To switch between workspaces simply select the LAYOUT you want in the platform header.

![](../.gitbook/assets/Переключение между рабочими протсранствами.gif)

Switching between workspaces

To delete a workspace, press the cross × on the desired LAYOUT.

To change the name of the workspace, go to the right side of the menu header and change the current name to the name you need

![](../.gitbook/assets/Переименовывание слоя.gif)

Changing the workspace name

To the right of the field for entering the workspace name is the clear button. If you press it, all widgets will be removed from the current workspace.

To the right of the purge button is the workspace configuration lock button. When an asset locks, the user cannot make edits to the workspace - delete, add, resize widgets.

![](../.gitbook/assets/Блокировка конфигурации рабочего пространства.gif)

Locking the workspace configuration

To the right of the lock button are buttons for importing and exporting workspace configurations.

In order to share the template, you need to click on the "Export Layout" button.

After that, the source code of this page will be saved to the clipboard, which can then be forwarded to someone or, for example, saved using the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + V".

The exported page will look like this:

{"createdAt":1690300341280,"id":"9aa788db-e843-44dc-a8ee-e7b745e424a6","name":"New layout","widgets":{"500e21ee-cd18-4f4d-a575-8cd586bc9dc6":{"id":"500e21ee-cd18-4f4d-a575-8cd586bc9dc6","cols":12,"rows":12,"y":0,"x":0,"color":"#5300eb","type":4,"meta":{}},"13cc04eb-25f9-46e7-86bc-41be3ec579ff":{"id":"13cc04eb-25f9-46e7-86bc-41be3ec579ff","cols":12,"rows":12,"y":0,"x":12,"color":"#5300eb","type":4,"meta":{}},"31c71646-20e2-4d15-af0b-c4372ece13aa":{"id":"31c71646-20e2-4d15-af0b-c4372ece13aa","cols":12,"rows":12,"y":12,"x":0,"color":"#5300eb","type":4,"meta":{}},"abab046a-3c7e-415a-985e-a86d598b93b8":{"id":"abab046a-3c7e-415a-985e-a86d598b93b8","cols":12,"rows":12,"y":12,"x":12,"color":"#5300eb","type":4,"meta":{}}},"domScale":{}}

In order to import a workspace, you need to click on the adjacent "Import Layout" button.

In the pop-up dialog box, paste the exported workspace code using the "Ctrl + V" combinations and click the "IMPORT" button

To the right of the workspace export button is the customization menu. In which you can:

  • forcibly save the settings;

  • to enable autosave;

  • to clear the workspace;

  • copy workspace;

  • to create a new workspace;

  • to switch between workspaces.

Also in the top right corner of the platform's header is located:

  • Internet stability indicator (wi-fi icon);

  • information about the level of the tariff plan;

  • button to go to personal account;

  • button to go to the notification center.

In the notification center, the user can get all the latest platform news, update information and more.

At the center of the platform's hat is a clock that displays the current time, as well as the time in New York and London. If a white circle lights up next to the clock of one of the cities, it means that there is an active trading session on the stock market in that city.

In the lower right corner of the workspace is a button to open the platform's general chat. Shared chat lays on top of the workspace and doesn't break its configuration.

![General chat](Общий chat.gif)

Last updated